PowerShell V3 – Finding What’s New?

So I’ve started to play around with PowerShell V3 and outside of some neat IDE stuff in ISE, where do I get started? Well I guess the best spot is to start with what new cmdlets have been added? So let’s do a little comparison.

The first problem we run in to is that PowerShell V3 is an update and not a side by side install. Not a horrible problem since we can start PowerShell in compatibility mode

PowerShell -Version 2

This will only work with the console and not ISE. So lets load that up and do the following.

Get-Command | Export-Clixml ps2cmds.cli

Now that we’ve exported all the cmdlets (and alias and functions) from PS2 lets hop in to PS3 and compare the two.

$v2 = Import-Clixml ps2cmds.cli

$v3 = Get-Command

#filter it to only cmdlets for now - CommandType 8 is cmdlet

$v2cmd = $v2 | where { $_.CommandType -eq 8}

$v3cmd = $v3 | where {$_.CommandType -eq 8}

$newcmds = Compare-Object $v2cmd $v3cmd -Property Name -PassThru


#should return 351, or at least it did for me

$newcmds | sort module,name | ft name,module

You’ll notice a few things when running this. First you’ll see that a lot of modules are automatically loaded now. I believe this is done because of the confusion with AD modules and people not knowing they needed to load them first. Secondly you’ll notice there are some cool new modules like CimCmdlets, PSSCheduledJob and PSWorkflow. One other thing to take a peek at is the new core PowerShell cmdlets.

$newcmds | where {$_.module -eq $null}

There are a few here that stand out, for example Get-ControlPanelItem, Unblock-File and Show-Command. The Show-Command is a pretty neat way to explore PowerShell. Basically creates a pop-up window that lets you dig through the cmdlets a little easier.

So many new things to play around with!

About jrich

I am the Solutions Architect for Apex Learning in Seattle WA. I've been working with computers since I was 13. Started programming when I was 14. Had my first IT job as tech support at an ISP at the age of 15 and became a network admin at the age of 17. Since then I've worked at a variety of small to mid size companies supporting, maintaining and developing all aspects of IT. Mostly working with Windows based networks but have recently been working with Solaris system as well. I created this blog mostly as a place for me to take my own notes, but also share things that I had a hard time finding the info for.

Posted on September 27, 2011, in WMF (Powershell/WinRM) and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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